Reveal Martial Arts

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My Name!

Ask any Black Belt! There is nothing as sweet as the success of having YOUR name on YOUR belt!

Becoming that 1st Degree Black Belt.

When you get that belt the thoughts that run through your head are amazing. It goes something like this:

“I can’t believe I did it! I didn’t think I could do it!”

I had victories. I had setbacks. But now I realize it was all worth it. This is the coolest thing EVER! That name, MY name, means that I did it. Not my mom or dad. Not my brother or sisters. Not my classmates. Not even my instructors.


I did something that few people dared to try. I accomplished something most people just dream about it. I took the classes. I did the push ups. I learned the forms. I sparred the rounds. I broke the wood. I stood before the judges and proved to them that I was worthy. I cried the tears of disappointment when I didn’t pass. I won the medals and was praised for my success. I felt the frustration of getting hit in sparring. But I DID IT. I got my Black Belt AND YOU CAN’T TAKE IT FROM ME! 

For the rest of my life, no matter where I go, no matter what else I do, I know I did it. Just me. My name is on that belt because it is MINE! Now I know, I can do anything!”

As this is going through your head, you smile. Bigger and bigger. You can’t help it. Then you feel lighter than air and the world seems to be perfect…

If you ever wonder why I do this job and get so passionate about my students, right there is your answer!

I love to watch that conversation start in their heads and see that smile. The only thing better? Shaking the hand of a student and saying “Welcome to the big leagues. How does it feel to be a 3rd Degree!?”

If you would like more information about our Martial Arts Program don’t hesitate to call us or text at 469-444-0246.

Or get your child and family started today with our free trial.