Being a Black Belt vs. Earning a Black Belt

Being a black belt and earning a black belt are two entirely different things. It is a milestone for many as fewer than 5% of a given class will make it to this rank for one reason or another. For others it is a goal and nothing more, another notch in their bucket list.

But is earning and being a black belt one in the same?

Being a Black Belt vs. Earning a Black Belt

Earning a black belt is a major accomplishment for any martial artist. It represents years of hard work, dedication, and discipline. However, earning a black belt is just the beginning. Being a black belt requires ongoing commitment and responsibility.

Earning a Black Belt

Earning a black belt involves passing a series of tests that demonstrate proficiency in the techniques, forms, sparring, and self-defense of a particular martial art. The requirements for earning a black belt vary from one martial art to another, but they typically involve several years of training and practice.

Being a Black Belt

Being a black belt means more than just having a high level of skill in martial arts. It also means upholding the values and principles of the martial art, such as respect, discipline, and self-control. Black belts are also expected to be role models for other students and to help them learn and grow.

The Importance of Continued Training

It is important for black belts to continue training even after they have earned their black belt. This is because martial arts is a lifelong journey, and skills can deteriorate if they are not regularly practiced. Continued training also helps to develop muscle memory and neural pathways that become more efficient and effective with practice.

The "Use It or Lose It" Principle

The "use it or lose it" principle is a reminder that regular practice and training are crucial to maintaining and improving one's skills in martial arts, as well as in other areas of life. If you want to continue to progress in martial arts and perform at your best, it is important to prioritize regular training and practice.


Earning a black belt is a significant accomplishment, but it is just the beginning of the journey. Being a black belt requires ongoing commitment and responsibility. If you are willing to put in the work, you can achieve your goals and become a true black belt.

Adam Spicar

Martial Artist and owner of Reveal Martial Arts Taekwondo Karate.

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