Staying Safe Online: Internet Safety Tips from Reveal Martial Arts

table with employees sitting around it

In today’s digital world, whether you’re a child or an adult, there are online dangers that can threaten your safety. Predators and inappropriate content can be harmful and may put you or your child at risk. At Reveal Martial Arts, we prioritize the safety of our students, especially when it comes to human trafficking and online safety.

Don’t Fall Victim to Cyber Threats!

Be mindful about what you share online. Revealing personal information like your phone number, home address, account passwords, or even photos can compromise your privacy and security. Remember, your first line of defense is you!

Tips to Stay Protected Online:

Everyone Should:

  1. Always log out of your accounts after using a shared or public device, even if it’s your home computer.

  2. Avoid opening email attachments from unknown senders. A suspicious subject line, like “Free Vacation!” is a red flag.

  3. Keep your passwords to yourself—never share them with anyone.

  4. Think twice before uploading personal photos online, especially if you don’t know the audience. Explicit photos should never be shared.

  5. Stay quiet about your travel plans on social media. (e.g., “Heading out for a 7-day cruise tomorrow!”) You never know who’s watching.

  6. Be cautious about downloading pictures or files from untrusted sources. They might contain explicit or inappropriate content.

  7. If you encounter suggestive, harassing, or obscene messages online, don’t engage. It’s best to ignore and report them.

  8. Never send money or personal financial information unless you’re sure the source is legitimate.

  9. Double-check that the web address you’re visiting is correct to avoid phishing or harmful sites.

  10. Be mindful that not everything online is truthful—question the credibility of what you see and hear.

For Kids:

  1. Always get your parents’ approval before buying anything online.

  2. Ask for permission before downloading or installing any software.

  3. If you receive mean or insulting messages, print them out and report them to your parents or a trusted adult.

  4. Never use messages or images to insult or hurt others—remember, kindness matters.

  5. Avoid meeting anyone in person that you only know through online interactions, no matter what!

For Parents:

  • Keep computers and devices in common areas of your home where you can monitor their use.

  • Stay aware of your child’s mobile internet use, including cell phones, gaming consoles, and laptops.

  • Set clear rules about which websites your child can visit and for how long they can spend online.

  • Create a “Favorites” folder with approved, safe websites for your child to access easily.

  • Know who your child is interacting with online. Set boundaries for social media, instant messaging, gaming, and webcam use.

  • Regularly check your child’s online posts and browsing history.

  • Keep communication open with your children about their online habits and ensure they know how to handle unsafe or uncomfortable situations.

  • Help your child identify other trusted adults they can talk to if they experience a dangerous or uncomfortable situation online.

For the latest information on staying safe online or to report a cyber incident, check out these resources:

Federal Bureau of Investigation: FBI Cybercrime Info

U.S. Department of Justice: DOJ Cybercrime Reporting

U.S. Department of Homeland Security: Homeland Security Cybersecurity

By following these simple tips and staying vigilant, we can all help protect ourselves and our families from online threats.

Adam Spicar

Martial Artist and owner of Reveal Martial Arts Taekwondo Karate.

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