Ah, the elusive question that has plagued many aspiring martial artists: what is the belt before the coveted black belt? As someone who has gone through the ranks myself, let me enlighten you with some witty insights.

Firstly, let's get one thing straight - the belt before black belt is NOT a white belt. Yes, many people assume that the journey starts with a white belt, but that's not always the case. In fact, some martial arts don't even have a white belt! So don't be fooled by that Hollywood stereotype.

Now, to answer the question at hand - the belt before black belt varies depending on the martial art you're practicing. In some arts, it could be a brown belt, while in others it could be a red belt or even a purple belt. It all depends on the ranking system of the particular art.

But let's be honest, the belt before black belt doesn't really matter that much in the grand scheme of things. Sure, it's a milestone in your training and a sign that you're making progress, but it's not the end goal. The black belt is just the beginning of a lifelong journey of learning and self-improvement.

In fact, I like to think of the belt before black belt as a "preparation belt." It's the belt that prepares you for the challenges and responsibilities that come with being a black belt. It's the belt that teaches you discipline, patience, and perseverance - all qualities that are necessary for success in martial arts and in life.

So don't get too caught up in the color of your belt. Remember that the real goal of martial arts is not to collect belts, but to improve yourself and become the best version of yourself. As the great Bruce Lee once said, "The martial arts are ultimately self-knowledge. A punch or a kick is not to knock the hell out of the guy in front, but to knock the hell out of your ego, your fear, or your hang-ups."

In conclusion, the belt before black belt may be different for every martial art, but what really matters is the journey you take to get there. Embrace the challenges, learn from your mistakes, and keep striving for improvement - that's what true martial arts is all about. And who knows, one day you may even earn that coveted black belt.

If you have any further questions, don’t hesitate to contact us. Better yet, click here to schedule a risk-free trial and let your journey to Black Belt begin.

Adam Spicar

Martial Artist and owner of Reveal Martial Arts Taekwondo Karate.


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