taekwondo instructor with students

Let’s face it, if your conversations often veer into the latest Taekwondo techniques, training tips, and discussions about the deeper philosophies of the sport, then you might just be a Taekwondo nerd—and that’s fantastic! Being a Taekwondo nerd isn’t something to hide; it’s something to celebrate! It means you’ve found a passion that drives you, motivates you, and yes, even takes over your life a little bit… or a lot.

Not sure if you fall into this “nerdy” category? Let’s take a look at a few telltale signs that you might be a full-blown Taekwondo enthusiast:

1. You Speak Taekwondo Fluent-ese

While others are casually learning basic greetings in new languages, you’ve mastered the art of calling out techniques in Korean. You confidently shout “chagi” for kick or “jireugi” for punch, and your friends are left scratching their heads wondering what language you’re speaking. But hey, to you, it just feels natural! Who needs Rosetta Stone when you’ve got your Taekwondo curriculum?

2. You Can Recite the Tenets in Your Sleep

Courtesy, Integrity, Perseverance, Self-Control, and Indomitable Spirit—these aren’t just words to you. These are the principles that guide every decision you make, both in and out of the dojo. You’ve probably found yourself applying them to everyday situations, like showing courtesy to that driver who cut you off (even though you could totally take them down in one swift move).

3. The Roundhouse Kick is Your Signature Move (Even in Your Dreams)

You’ve practiced that perfect roundhouse kick so many times that muscle memory takes over before you even realize it. In fact, you’re convinced that if you ever had to defend yourself mid-sleep, your roundhouse kick would be ready to go. It’s practically second nature by now, right?

4. You’re a Training Tips & Drills Junkie

You’ve scoured the internet for every piece of training advice there is. You’ve watched YouTube tutorials, followed Taekwondo influencers, and experimented with different drills to boost your performance. You’re always on the lookout for ways to sharpen your skills, and it feels like there’s never enough time in the day to try them all. Your bookmarks are basically a treasure trove of Taekwondo hacks and routines.

5. Your Wardrobe Looks Like a Taekwondo Gear Shop

Why have one dobok (uniform) when you can have five? You’ve got gear for every occasion—light sparring, intense sparring, competition days, and casual days where you might just run into someone who asks about your sport. Your collection of belts is a thing of beauty, and you might even have more sparring gloves than pairs of shoes. Who needs “regular” clothes when your wardrobe screams martial arts master?

6. You Use Taekwondo Analogies for Everything

Ever find yourself comparing life’s challenges to a tough sparring match? Or maybe you’ve caught yourself giving someone advice about “pacing yourself like a pattern sequence” or “focusing on form before speed,” even if they’re not in Taekwondo. Your brain automatically makes those connections, and let’s be honest—it’s actually solid life advice.

7. Martial Arts Movies Are Your Favorite Genre

You’ve seen every martial arts movie from Enter the Dragon to The Karate Kid, and you love pointing out which techniques are real and which are pure Hollywood magic. You probably dream about being in those films, throwing high kicks and taking down bad guys with style. But let’s be real—you’d probably be more concerned with keeping your technique sharp than looking flashy for the camera.

Embrace Your Inner Taekwondo Nerd

If you nodded along to any (or all) of these, congratulations—you’re officially a Taekwondo nerd, and that’s something to be proud of! Your passion for this art form shows dedication, discipline, and an unyielding drive to better yourself. And that’s what Taekwondo is all about—not just learning how to defend yourself, but developing the inner strength and focus to succeed in every aspect of life.

So, wear your Taekwondo nerd status with pride! Keep practicing, keep learning, and keep striving to be the best martial artist you can be. Whether you’re prepping for your next tournament or practicing your forms at home, always remember that the journey is just as important as the destination.

And most importantly, never forget to have fun with it! The more you love what you do, the better you’ll get. Plus, what’s cooler than being able to bust out a perfect sidekick at a moment’s notice? Not much.

Join our award winning martial arts studios and I will see you on the mats:

  1. Martial Arts in Southlake, TX

  2. Martial Arts in North Fort Worth, TX (Alliance / Heritage Trace)

  3. Martial Arts in Haslet, TX

Adam Spicar

Martial Artist and owner of Reveal Martial Arts Taekwondo Karate.


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